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FutureMe College Pathway 

Strategic Holistic College Prep for Student-Athletes and Performers


A college pathway program for students and parents. The FutureMe pilot program is dedicated to student athletes striving to play at the college level. We help student athletes build a strong foundation, excel in the classroom, and work with students and parents to navigate athletic and academic hurdles that occur throughout all four years of high school and the transition to college. And it doesn’t stop there — our mentorship can travel with your student until they land their first job. 

Ideal for: Student athletes, Chess champions, Professional Performers, Social activists, Fledgling CEOs, and other Elite-minded students balancing school with other demanding commitments!



● SAT & ACT count towards academic scholarships. 

● Every year, over $46 billion is awarded in scholarships and grants by the US Dept of Ed.

● $7.4 billion in private scholarships and fellowships annually 

● $100 million in scholarships goes unawarded each year 

● Average yearly amount of student aid given from Pell Grant: $9,000 

● Only 2% of HS athletes are awarded some form of athletic scholarship

● 2% of HS athletes are awarded some form of athletic scholarship 

● D1 Women's Soccer Programs: 14 scholarships per year 

● D1 Men's Soccer Programs: 9.9 scholarships per year 

How are we different from other programs? 

FutureMe College Pathway helps students land acceptances to the college of their dreams, but the support doesn’t stop there. Our education experts help students thrive upon arrival by supporting the ongoing development of relationship building, making personal and professional connections, and developing lifelong habits related to curiosity, resilience, and positive open-mindedness when facing the unknown. 

Research-driven programming 

The U.S. Department of Education reports that the current ratio between public school college counselors and students is 455:1. (In California, that ratio was 663:1. 

The U.S. Department of Education reports that the current ratio between public school college counselors and students is 455:1. (In California, that ratio was 663:1.) Yet research firms Civic Education and Hart Research Associates confirm that students who work with mentors are more likely to engage in “beneficial and productive” activities — and “young people with longer mentoring relationships report better outcomes than youth with shorter mentoring relationships.”

Benefits of FutureMe College Pathway

1. College selection process. We create and foster a supportive, and productive experience to reduce stress and increase positive results. 

2. Successful partnerships. Students are paired with trusted, knowledgeable mentors who truly understand prospective 

college students and their concerns. 

3. Constructive, responsive planning. We work with students and families to create individualized, reasonable, and proven timelines to help eliminate guesswork and account for shifts in preferences. 

4. Buffer zones. This can be a stressful time for families, creating tension for students. Our experts can help smooth tough conversations to reduce friction, allowing students and parents to actually enjoy this time period. 

5. Knowledge pool. Working with our mentors allows access to our organization-wide repository of tips, connections, and little-known pointers for a rewarding and productive experience.

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