Serious Play
Clubs for Like-Minded Hobbyists & Enthusiasts
Classroom instructional time is rightfully devoted to strict academics these days, but we all want students to enjoy the enrichment programs that may lead to a future passion or hobby while creating fun memories along the way. Sample clubs: Book Clubs, Dancing and Acting, Comic Book Creation, Freestyle Hip Hop Improv, Public Speaking, and Dungeons & Dragons (all levels).
Ideal for: Creatives, Sci-Fi Fans, Future film directors, librarians, graphic artists, Grammy award winners, and students who want to pursue a current or prospective creative passion while also meeting friendly, like-minded students in a safe and supportive learning environment.
How are we different from other programs?
Serious Play clubs and programs are directly structured around student interest, passion, and curiosity. Groups of students can form their own unique and specialized club under supervision of an experienced, qualified educator, allowing individual members to shine in a safe, nurturing environment. Students have the opportunity to design exciting learning activities, explore new hobbies, and make new friends who share similar interests.
Research-Driven Programming
The Princeton Review reports that participating in clubs can reduce stress, hone communication skills, “foster creative thinking,” increase interpersonal intelligence, and improve competitiveness for college applications.
Benefits of Serious Play
1. Dive deep. Explore a hobby or area of interest with an expert educator!
2. Develop new skills. Students can become more knowledgeable, capable, and versatile as they enrich their traditional education.
3. Meet like-minded peers. An added bonus of virtual meet-ups: students can meet new friends and connections with similar interests from outside their typical circle, creating a well-rounded social experience.
4. Save time. Traditional clubs and student activities require driving time and logistical planning. Our virtual meetings allow students extracurricular
enrichment without taxing the family schedule.
5. Student leadership. Students have opportunities to propose activities, lead conversations, and practice key leadership skills to develop confidence and poise.